Los Angeles Times - Recommended
"...The few arguable limitations here lie in adhering a bit too faithfully to some creakier aspects of Rostand's original (particularly the opening brawling sequence), but the performances quickly catch fire in Simon Levy's well-paced and precisely focused staging. Besides offering a refreshing take on a classic, the signed/spoken presentation offers hearing folks the opportunity to appreciate sign language's unique emotional expressiveness."
LA Weekly - Recommended
"...Sachs' treatment of the story teeters into sentimentality, a minor impediment to the production's glorious swirl of words floating around the stage, sometimes connected, sometimes disembodied from the speakers uttering them, sometimes signed, sometimes broadcast via video screens."
Backstage - Recommended
"...Sachs and director Simon Levy have embarked on a major mission: bringing Rostand's poetry-spewing protagonist to life using ASL, spoken word, and e-language. Thanks to Jeffrey Elias Teeter's projections, flashed onto eight omnipresent monitors incorporated into Jeff McLaughlin's versatile bare-bones set, nothing is lost in this superbly crafted production besides a large tub of Derma Wax."
Talkin Broadway - Recommended
"...The very best Deaf West productions (Big River clearly among them) are those in which the use of ASL and simultaneous interpretation adds something to the original play. In this, a co-production with the Fountain, the additions are nothing short of amazing.
LAist - Recommended
"...Although certain details of character and the plot have changed, the original heart of the play still beats steadfastly, buoyed up by terrific performances and dazzling video design."
EyeSpyLA - Recommended
"...Troy Kotsur is perfection as the title character in Stephen Sachs' new adaptation of Cyrano de Bergerac. It's a bravura performance, full of passion, integrity, and enough kinetic energy to power a city. That Kotsur is deaf has everything and nothing to do with it."
StageHappenings.com - Recommended
"...Cyrano is a treat for both the eyes and hear. Hearing or deaf, the impact of this story has never been never been louder or more touching."
Examiner - Recommended
"...I can't rave enough to adequately convey my excitement and admiration for the new adaptation of Cyrano de Bergerac that opened this week at the Fountain Theatre."
Buzzine - Recommended
"...Aside from the "message," it's a great rollicking evening of theater. And a must for anyone like me who has not been involved with "signing" and the remarkable Deaf West theater."
LA Stage Times - Recommended
"...This all takes place in LA in the 21st century, and it's one of the most ingenious updates of a classic I've seen in a long time."
MadTheatrics - Recommended
"...I'm going to gush for a moment. This was freakin' awesome."
LifeInLA - Recommended
"...The romantic, tragi-comic Cyrano offers excellent performances and direction, deaf culture from an insider's perspective, poetic dialogue, and aesthetically gorgeous signed language."