Permanent Collection

Permanent Collection

Sierra Madre Playhouse
87 W Sierra Madre Blvd Sierra Madre

Sterling North, the new Black director of the Morris Foundation precipitates turmoil when he insists that the Foundation museum display its stored artworks of African origin with greater prominence and in greater quantity, dismissing those who oppose him as racist. He is even prepared to go to court to challenge the will of the museum's founder, Alfred Morris, to pursue the objective of promoting the exposure of North's beloved African artists. Nothing is as simple as it looks. Was Morris a racist? Who decides who should see art? Who decides what we can see? Who has that right? Can a museum itself be a unified work of art? Should the last will and testament of a private collector be sacrosanct? Permanent Collection poses a lot of questions without simple answers in this thought-provoking play, suggested by events at Philadelphia's Barnes Foundation.
