Lock Your Heart, Elder P.

Lock Your Heart, Elder P.

Studio C Artists
6448 Santa Monica Blvd Los Angeles

Based on his actual experiences as a Mormon missionary in Sweden, Perkins' "reads" from the journal he kept during his two years of service. However, it appears during the performance that he is not the only one with a story to tell, and that his relationship with the divine has perhaps become a bit strained. In his younger persona, Elder P. happily accepts the call to serve as a missionary. He starts out with the best of intentions: to serve the Lord faithfully, chastely, and exclusively for two years. He promises to lay aside all personal relationships, subjecting himself instead to the constant company of a 24/7 working missionary companion. Then she shows up. Lock Your Heart, Elder P. lays bare the struggle to reconcile what the heart wants and what God commands.

Thru - Jun 23, 2019