Cori Cable Kidder's Holiday Spectacular. A 1940s Christmas Revue

Cori Cable Kidder's Holiday Spectacular. A 1940s Christmas Revue

Sierra Madre Playhouse
87 W Sierra Madre Blvd Sierra Madre

Cori is back again in 2023 in Cori Cable Kidder's Holiday Spectacular: A 1940s Christmas Revue. The particular decade was a rich one for memorable songs remembered fondly decades later. The first half of the decade reflected the fact that so many of our brave young men and women were overseas, fighting to ensure that a free America would endure. The second half of the Forties celebrated an America flush with victory, with a booming economy, a booming population and a vision of an ever-brighter future. The music was performed by crooners, small combos and big bands. The songs touched upon the world at war (Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy, We'll Meet Again, I'll Be Seeing You), marked our coming home (It's Been a Long, Long Time), and celebrated the holidays (White Christmas, The Christmas Song, Let It Snow!). The music varied from ballads to boogie to swing. Some of it we call The Great American Songbook and much of it we still want to hear when the holidays approach.

Thru - Dec 23, 2023