Canuck as F*CK

Canuck as F*CK

Second City
6560 Hollywood Blvd Los Angeles

Canadians aren't nice and polite; we're passive-aggressive a-holes who manage to keep a low profile because we spend half the year in hibernation. We can't pick a fight with "Big Brother to the South" because we spend more per capita on doughnuts and toques than on our military. Enough is enough! It's time to speak our truth, and tell you what we really think a-boot the state of the world. Sorry, not sorry! This original premium sketch show was written and performed by Jason DeRosse, Ayumi Iizuka, Paul PK Kingston, Allison Price, and Leslie Seiler. Directed by Doug Morency, the Assistant Director is John David DeFour and the Musical Director is Tony Gonzalez. See Canuck as F*CK at Second City Studio Theatre in Los Angeles.

Thru - Mar 15, 2020