Almost Equal To

Almost Equal To

City Garage Theatre
2525 Michigan Ave Santa Monica

How much do your earn? How much are you worth? With the economic world built on hierarchies where CEOs make a hundred times the salary of their workers, Almost Equal To exposes the inequality in highly personal terms. A young immigrant tries to find a job; a professor of economics struggles to keep the job he has; a wife nurses fantasies of an ecologically responsible life; a homeless hustler may be more than he seems; and a young woman in a cutthroat office may or may not be responsible for a co-worker's death. With humor and brutal honesty, celebrated Swedish novelist-playwright Jonas Hassen Khemiri reveals the human cost of the system. Over one hundred international companies have performed Khemiri's plays, now coming to Santa Monica's City Garage at Bergamot Station Arts Center.

Thru - Jul 2, 2017