Steam Powered Rocket Ride to the Moon or...Ground Control to Guillo and Rod
251 East 7th Street Long Beach
Travel back in time to 1933 Long Beach with our heroes Rod McGirdlebutt and Guillermo Fao as they confront mad scientist, Lucifer Prince, and menacing magician, Ian Sidious, who are threatening to ruin our beloved Pike. Will Rod and Guillo save the day, or will they be blasted off to the moon? Cheer them on as they battle the bad guys with the aid of ace reporter Dixie Troobaloo, wise-cracking Trisha La Rue, Officer Frenchie, and Gus & Auntie Palooka, in this family friendly Garage Theatre holiday classic. There will be jokes! Tomatoes will be thrown! Everyone will get free ice cream!
Thru - Dec 21, 2024