Bloody Poetry

Bloody Poetry

Little Fish Theatre
777 Centre St San Pedro

One line: Bloody Poetry plunges into the bohemian lives of Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe and Mary Shelley, and enables the audience to enter their summer Villa – a place where the poets take refuge from the upheaval of their country and turn creative writing into a collective practice of subversive intent and revolutionary ambition. It's 1816, and Percy Bysshe Shelley, Mary Godwin Shelley and Claire Clairmont have traveled to a Villa in Lake Geneva to meet with "mad, bad and dangerous to know" Lord Byron. The Shelleys are in a self-imposed exile from England due to their radical unconventional beliefs. Byron has fled his debts and his reputation in England, having an unconventional lifestyle of his own. Arriving with his own personal doctor and biographer Dr. William Polidori, they are instantly bonded. Shelley has run away with Mary and their children, having abandoned his first wife and two children. Claire is pregnant with Byron's child. They join together to attempt a utopian experiment where they can live with freedom from constraint. During the historical 'year without a summer', weather forces them indoors and Lord Byron suggests that they each write their own ghost stories. Out of those literary experiments comes one of the greatest novels the world has ever known - Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. As the summer comes to an end, love and lives are lost as each of the revolutionaries face additional hardship as they struggle with their attempts at a hedonistic metamorphosis.

Thru - Oct 18, 2018